
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Prettty Awesome Weekend!

This weekend was packed with events!


So Melissa and Christine talk me into going to the 2012 Half-Way There party, beginning our shopping adventure. Originally I wasn't planning on going, but then we hit the dress section in the department store and there was no turning back then. Christine and I both ended finding dresses for really great deals (hers:$35 mine:$25) after trying on a gazillion ones. They made me try on sparkly colorful ones. The ironic thing is neither of us both dresses with color. After returning from our shopping adventure we did some work (or at least tried t0) and then started getting ready for the dance. What happens when 6 girls are trying to get ready for a party when there are only two bathrooms? We don't leave on time. And we take way too many pictures.


Today is exactly one month away from Brian's real birthday. Since it would be extremely difficult to surprise him on his actual birthday, we decided to surprise him a month beforehand. Everything was planned out perfectly. Christine, Brian, and I would go to the Duke game while everyone else invaded Lambeth 466-4. Then I would ask for a ride back and then he'd be  forced to go the apartment. Perfect and Brilliant. Not.

Christine ended up not going to the game and Brian had a group project meeting right after the game. How was I supposed to ask to give me a ride then? Christine and I brainstormed and killed brain cells. We thought perhaps Melissa could pretend she seriously injured herself (not that she would actually have to pretend...) and then Brian would need to take her to the ER. The  difficult part was actually acting shocked when she  "called".

What ended up happening was I asked Brian to come to Lambeth to help me carry my stuff back. It worked, he came, and was surprised. He did, however, leave first. But, a  few minutes later and BRIAN is back!!!! He ended up surprising all of us. He is still the king of surprises!

Gotta love CCF and Lambeth/IRC Chi Alpha members.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Paper-writing Kills Brain Cells

Looking at a blank document and trying to fill it with black squiggly lines isn't exactly the best exercise for one's brain. I need a device that I can dictate into and have it spit out my essay for me.